International Conference in Sansepolcro

20 – 21 – 22 July 2021, at Kilowatt Festival in Sansepolcro (Italy)


Practicing Participation, Performing Citizenship in-between and beyond the Pandemic

The pandemic has completely changed the concept of “participation”. How can we imagine a new semantic for this notion? What do we want the participation to be from now on the next 5 years? How does it relate to “civil engagement”?

The meeting does not intend to be focused on the participatory tactics utilized during the pandemic period (whose digital was undoubtedly the most used one), instead it aims to relaunch the reflection on the deep meaning which is at the basis of all the participatory strategies.

Is it true that more than ever the audience’s active participation is a central issue of the strategies of the cultural production? Which are the opportunities and the implications? How participation can be linked to the idea of democracy?

How much is participation – also in relation to the importance assumed by the digital – linked to the topics of equity and equal access to the opportunities? What kind of role the cultural institutions acquire in contemporary society, both as a form of recovery for citizens in this restart phase, and as places for the development of civic activism?


Tuesday 20th July

Session 1 _ introduction to the topic

16:00 I 16:30

Dialogue between Lluís Bonet Agustí (University of Barcelona, ES) and Luisella Carnelli (Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, IT)

16:30 I 17:15

In conversation with Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll, DE) by Giuliana Ciancio and Luca Ricci (Be SpectACTive! curators)

17:15 I 17:30

Q&A and closure

Wednesday 21st July

Session 2 _ taking care: cultural participation and wellbeing

10:30 I 11.45

Online Dialogue between Pier Luigi Sacco (Professor of “Economics of Culture”, IULM Milan, Co-founder CCW) and Annalisa Cicerchia (Istat, Professor of Management of Creative Enterprises, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Co-founder CCW)

Hybrid session: online presentation and interactive dialogue with Be SpectACTIve! partners

11:45 I 12:00


12:00 I 13.15

‘Care Workshop’: to learn, together, how to grow a culture of care

Workshop by Reshape project conducted by Chiara Organtini and Virag Major (Reshape, EU)

Session 3 _ make art, make society

15:00 I 15:30

Introduction by Sandrine Teixido (Université de Toulouse, FR)

15:30 I 17:30

Fishbowl discussion with Dewi van de Weerd and Bas Ernst (Embassy of the Netherlands in Italy), Georg Schnetzer (Österreichische Kulturforum Rome), Tiina Sööt (Sööt/Zeyringer, Estonia/Austria), Barbara Tosti (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, IT), Sandrine Teixido (FR) and the Be SpectACTive! partners

Thursday 22nd of July

Session 4 _ In-between: artists and participation

10:30 I 11.00

Introduction by Pietro Gaglianò (Scripta Festival, IT)

11:00 I 13:00

Feedback session with Alessandro Carboni (Formati Sensibili, IT)

Session 5 _ more local, more participated

14:30 I 15:45

Feedback session with Visionari

15:45 I 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 I 16:55

Walking discussion for sharing few final reflections and ‘food for thoughts’

16:55 I 17:30

Conclusions and greetings

It will actively be part of the programme, the Be SpectACTive! network:

Zuzana Bednarčiková (Tanec Praha, CZ), Lluís Bonet Agustí and Giada Calvano (Universitat de Barcelona, ES), Luisella Carnelli and Elettra Zuliani (Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, IT), Eliza Ceprazaru and Vicentiu Rahău (Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu, RO), Gianluca Cheli, Giuliana Ciancio, Maria Gabriella Mansi (Be SpectACTive!), Sandrine Courouble, Camille Daloz, Bastien Molines, Angèle Picgirard (Occitanie en Scène, FR), Zvonimir Dobrović and Nina Maštruko (Domino, HR), Sónia Fernandes, Marta Martins, Cláudia Matos, Mara Neves, Susana Pires, João Proença (Artemrede, PT), Lucia Franchi, Luca Ricci, Michele Rossi (CapoTrave/Kilowatt), Cristian Londoño (Café de las Artes Teatro, ES), Bojan Milosavljevic and Marija Popović (SKC Novi Sad, RS), Anna Šimončičová and Miroslav Zwiefelhofer (Divadelná Nitra Festival, SK), Katja Somrak and Lana Srebot (Plesni Teater Ljubljana, SI), Tiina Sööt (Sööt/Zeyringer AT-EE), Julia Sterner (Université de Montpellier, FR), Famke Struyve (Buda Kunstencentrum Kortrijk, BE), Willie White (Dublin Theatre Festival, IE), Eva Wolfesberger (Brut Wien, AT).


Days and Hours:

Tuesday 20th July, 16:00 – 17:30
Wednesday 21st July, 10:30 – 17:30
Thursday 22nd July, 10:30 – 17:30


Auditorium Santa Chiara, Santa Chiara Square, Sansepolcro (Arezzo, Italy)

Free admission. Contact to sign up for the meeting:

The language of the conference is English.